SIP technology is not new to the AGROTEC GROUP range. Until now, however, it has only been distributed through selected companies. This is now changing and mowers, tedders, rakes, and other forage harvesting machines will also be available to customers through some dealerships in the New Holland network.

At AGROTEC believe that the SIP technology will suitably complement the range of agricultural equipment they offer and help them to provide even better service to farmers in the direct sales regions of AGROTEC a.s. or Western Bohemia. To celebrate this step, they have decided to organize two forage growing days, which will be held in the Zdar and Svitav regions.



Selected machines from New Holland, SIP, and Tehnos will be on display at the “Forage Day”. They have decided to arrange the individual machines actively demonstrated into two complete forage lines.
The first line is aimed at smaller and medium-sized enterprises. The backbone of the line-up is made up of New Holland’s T5 family of tractors, giving those interested in a 100hp tractor a choice of six model lines. So there will be the new New Holland T5.S, a really simple, mechanical tractor with the option of hydraulic travel reversal or the T5. PowerShuttle with reinforced axles. The icing on the cake is the T5. DynamicCommand with a dual-clutch transmission, eight-speed shifting under load, and the modern technology-rich T5. AutoCommand with a continuously variable transmission. Forage harvesting will be taken care of by the SIP DISC 300 F ALP and DISC 340 S ALP, while other procedures will be provided by the tedder SPIDER 900|8 T and rotary rake STAR 850|26 T. The forage will be baled into round bales using the brand-new ProBelt baler from New Holland. Loading of the bales will be done by one of the tractors with a front loader – you will be able to experience how the tractors work. Tehnos machines will then take care of the baling of the imaginary bales.

Several machines will dominate the line for large livestock farms. The T7.315 HD tractor with PLM technology in combination with a 9-meter mower combination SILVERCUT DISC 900 C FPC and 300 F FPC will take care of the mowing. The T6.180 AutoCommand tractor will operate the SIP AIR 900 T pick-up rake and prepare a good swath for the FR harvester with a NIR sensor, which accurately records the nutrients extracted from the harvested forage.


In order to make the most of the prepared equipment, we decided to actively demonstrate the machines twice. Those who come to the start of the event can look forward to a Slovenian-style breakfast and the first demonstration will start at 10:30. The demonstrations will be followed by a barbecue lunch and another batch of active demonstrations, which will start at 13:30. We believe that this way of organization will allow our foraging days to be visited by most of those interested and we look forward to seeing you in Bezděkov or Ostrov (near Lanškroun, postcode 561 22 – keep an eye on our website and we will post the exact location in the field with GPS coordinates on Monday 5 June).


The original article was written by Ing. Aleš PETR and you can find it here.